Brookside Botanical Gardens

The Broookside Botanical Gardens is one of my favorite local places. It's north of D.C. so it's not so far. It's fun to visit and take pics, but I just don't like being limited to email or other stuff to show it, so I made this web page. I do hope you like it.

Spring in the Garden.

It's Spring, so the goslings are out. Geese are probably the least shy of the local wild life, but seem just smart enough to not get run over. I guess that makes them smarter than a lot of the local mammals. Canadian Geese are one of those rare species who's numbers are increasing. The dinosaurs return!

There are a few large ponds. I think I will skip the dive.

The Garden is fairly large... guessing 12 acres and there are trails everywhere. As you come to the main entrance there are many nice flower areas. In one I saw this hummingbird.

I found my purple.

It's too early for a lot of the flowers, but the tulips are in full swing. Even more purple.

There are large areas, each devoted to their own color scheme.

It is Azalea time, so everywhere are large single and grouped splashes of beautiful vibrant color.

This is the end of the Arbour that surrounds the rose garden. The roses were just not yet awake.

Sometimes the beds are not one color.

This is along the back walk way in a series of gardens. You never know what you will see.

There is field after filed of Tulips of every color.

Every color...

It is really hard to do that tree justice in a photo. I've tried a few times. It's quite amazing looking.

This is a wide shot of the entire rose garden. It's pretty neat and as you can see, it is made to invite you to sit for a while. There are a number of water sculptures as well.

A path is a Flower Path.

You need pictures to tell the story right.

The resident dinosaur that claims to be a dragon.