It has come to my attention that everyone is looking for an answer. I noticed it a while ago, but recently it has become more apparent. So if just to cut down on the distraction, I'll answer it.
I was reading a book by David Brin and he was asking a very basic question. Also, Umair Haque seems to have asked the same question. It is the question raised by current politics. It is the silent scream of a young lady asking what is to become of the children she hopes to bare. It is the fear-driven question of a struggling worker asking how they can make a living in this changing time. It is all who ask how can social justice be achieved. It is the question of how can we put inequality behind us. The answer is not that difficult. Well, not so difficult if you look at it the right way.
The question is - what do we do. It is a moral question driven by our deepest moral instinct. What is right and what is wrong? Where do we go from here? How can we survive? How can our children survive? How can we find a good home where we and our children can survive?
The problem is that we know we can't remain where we are if we wanted to. Obviously, we are in another stage of change. History shows a progression from the tribal hunter-gatherer to the ancient farmers and city builders. After that were the Bronze Age Empires followed by the Iron Age Empires that was followed by the Christian Era and then followed by the Enlightenment that was followed by an Age of Science and Technology where we seem to be now. The technologists tell us of more ages to come including the Digital Transformation, Automation, The Age of Artificial Intelligence and The Singularity. Great, that shows new problems without clarifying anything. We can't make any sense of where we are, we can't make sense of where we are going and it doesn't look very good in any case. How can we make any useful sense out of this? More science of course and don't be looking at it this way. Well, not just more science then. You need the right kind of science. That view of history is about a moving target of one change after another. All but one of these changes listed here are irrelevant. If you looked at that list in terms of ecology, it would be simpler. Ecology shows a progression of humans leaving the long-term tribal hunter gather ecology where we developed, passing through a series of transient ecologies and then achieving a new long-term ecology where we develop into a new species. I would say "isn't that easier", but having worked for this answer for so long, I know it is more complicated than that, but it is the answer you are looking for. At least it is the answer your moral instincts are looking for and that is what counts. Using that view based on human ecology can describe how we and our children can survive into the future. It also removes the unsolvable question of what is the next step and the step after that and the step after that ad infinitum. Instead of the next social or technological revolution we enter, need to adjust to and hope isn't a dead end, we need to find one long-term, relatively stable ecology where we can adapt to so that we are comfortable and develop into more than we are. Technologies might change and we might learn a lot of new things, but that ecology, where we live and that provides our life support, will remain.
So what is that ecology? It is Civilization. In Tribal ecology, a person just has to deal with others that are very similar to themselves. In Civilization, you deal with others that are very different. That takes different strategies. As opposed to hunter-gatherer using limited resources provided by nature, humans will use renewable resources created by technology and human ingenuity that are far less limited. Change doesn't need to be endless after those are achieved. Once we do that, humans can survive indefinitely. There may be more changes, there will be more changes, but the important change, how we can survive, will be achieved. That must be our goal, to create a New Ecology where we can survive and grow. Unlike previous ecologies where all life has existed in the past, this will be an ecology that humans create rather than one that exists in nature. We will create it by strategic and genetic adaptation. And that leads to the how question. In general, you have to figure out what you need from our tribal past, what you want from that past and what you have to leave behind. I would leave that to the reader as an exercise, but it's perhaps a bit complicated, so I wrote down how to do it. Keep in mind though that part of the question is now answered. There are so many brilliant answers out there to so many problems, but they have to be organized into two categories. the answers that will be needed to create this new ecology where humans can survive long term and all the rest. If you look at all the brilliant answers out there and divide them that way, you see that the people like Dr. Brin and Mr. Haque are creating great answers, but they must be understood to be about a certain question. Their answers are brilliant, but they aren't targeted and when trying to solve a problem, you must clearly know what the problem is. Then there is Elon Musk who has said he thinks the survival of humanity is in danger and he is working specifically to solve that problem. He can only solve some of the problems, those that can be fixed using technology. If you do that though, you see other problems you missed. If you use Ecology as your system, it defines what a species requires to survive and you can just fill in the boxes with your answers. Keep in mind that a lot of answers can fit in any requirements box. Humans require an energy source that can support our technology. In that box, you could put "fusion", but you could also perhaps put "solar and batteries" or some mix. In the future, you might instead put "planetary core tap". The thing is, focusing on the requirements is a far more restricted problem than the solutions to the requirements. The answer is that if you want to solve the problems of the world, focus on the requirements rather than the solutions. They will come.