The basis of the problem is that humans need to find a new ecology to replace the one we left when we started farming and living in cities. We have been going through transient ecologies ever since, but need a new ecology that will be relatively stable long term so that we can survive and develop. Our ecology is our life support system. A species without a stable ecology is at risk of extinction.
This is to tell how humans can survive into the future. It is really hard to write and it seems almost impossible to communicate in writing, so please bear with me and allow me to tell this story the best way I can... which may seem indirect. For that matter, even though it does address things that everyone is aware of and that are already visible problems, I don't believe anyone is even going to think this tells an important story until humanity is in trouble and looking for a way out of the problem of out how to adapt to the future. This book is about humans. It is vaster than you would expect, so an introduction to it requires more than one point of view. The human story is vast and different people think indifferent ways. That makes it difficult, but that is part of why it is written in ecological terms. Life is complicated and ecology is a science made for organizing the description of a species' nature and its survival requirements. No matter where this book goes, it is about one thing, how humans can create and adapt to a new ecology were we can survive and develop long term.
The New Ecology that we are going to inhabit is Civilization. That is sort of an unusual name for an ecology, but it defines a few things that are very different from our last ecology. Historically it has been able to support at least twenty times as many individuals as our last ecology could and probably will support far more than that as we develop. Another difference is that we deal with very different people where in the tribal ecology we generally were dealing with people that were very similar to ourself and likely were related. Another important difference is that Civilization is not an ecology that exists in nature. It is something that humans build. That factor defines a major adaptation humans will have to achieve. In a tribal society, violence in many forms was an effective strategy. That included murder and war. At the same time, war is so destructive that it damages Civilization, our ecology, our life support system. For that matter, we know that we could annihilate humanity with the tools of war we already have. In terms of these three factors and others as well, Civilization requires greater cooperation than tribal ecology did to build and maintain a civilization. We need to get along far better than we did in the tribes. There are more factors, but these seem the most important to consider in terms of strategy. All of these are moral issues. The only useful comparison would be to say that we are going to have to act more like social insects. Social insects though are cooperative due to an unusual and unique genetic situation called Haplodiploidy, a hardware solution so to speak, that fosters the great cooperation you see in social insects like bees and ants. It is not an option for humans, so our solution must be a software one, that is a strategy and it happens to be best described as a moral strategy. The strategy is actually very old, simple and common, but is not always used because it can conflict with simpler tribal instincts and strategies that we are perhaps more adapted to. The purpose of this book is to lay out a strategy of survival for humanity. Perhaps the most important point of this book is to describe that moral concept that will overcome our tribal instincts for violence and allow us to cooperate enough to not just support a civilization, but it can give us the potential to become something amazing. Our moral instincts are simple. Only simple moral premises will work with our instincts. That simple moral premise is to "Love One Another". You may be thinking "what", but after over forty years of intense research, I know that is the key. Without it we will not even be able to solve the problem of automation. Think about it. With it, we can overcome not just war, but we can have healthy families. That concept was much of what ended the indiscriminate slaughter of Iron Age warfare. Follow this, add together the parts I present in this book and see if it looks like a strategy that can take humans to the future.
It's going to take more than that. For humanity to have a future, we are going to have to want it and work for it. We have become much more than just an animal, but we are going to have to become much more than that. It used to be that if an individual was healthy and could work hard, they could survive. In the future it sis going to take more. An individual is going to need to be intelligent as well and is going to need that to become smart. There is a certain body of knowledge that everyone is going to need such as some basic knowledge of biology, economics, politics, history and some philosophical premises as well as Critical Thinking skills. The strategy humans use to survive will be preserved as part of culture.
Human survival and adaptation to this new ecology is also going to take genetic adaptation, but I am trying to restricts some of that discussion to my other book - Genetics For A New Human Ecology. Still, the importance of genetic issues cannot be underestimated. Part of this strategy discussion is strategy about genes. One thing is obvious, we cannot allow Natural Selection to act the way it did before medicine. We will have to husband our genes more than we have in the past. That change will relate to and effect one of the most important drivers of human behavior - Status. We have a genetic problem that no one seems to be paying attention to. I think that problem more than any other factor will get humans to decide to become more than animals and even more than tribal humans subject to nature. Hopefully, this will not only explain why we must and the amazing benefits to it, but also how.
This book is to lay out a path to the New Ecology, Civilization, as well as how to maintain it. I see amazing potentials, but dangers that may be closer than they seem.