How and Why To Teach Philosophy In The Modern World

This is file 2024-03-05_HowToTeachMorality.htm and has the limited list of Maxims. This replaces 2023-03-05_HowToTeachMorality.htm, the rough draft, that has the full list of maxims.

This is a current Work Area - 10/25/2024

Philosophy - Outer Bound

This book is not about "hey, I have an interesting idea", it's about "we have some serious problems, whether you know it or not, and here are some feasible solutions.

Philosophy and Human Survival

Have you ever thought that people sure seem stupid these days? Much of this is about why that happened. It is probably not what you think.

This essay is part of the strategy section from a larger project that describes how humans can genetically and strategically adapt for long term survival and development in the new ecology we are creating to replace the hunter-gatherer tribal ecology we left for the farms and cities of civilization. Civilization is the new ecology that is our life support system. It is very efficient compared to any ecology for humans that exists in nature and can support far more people. It does though, have to be built and can be damaged, especially by war.
With that in mind, one premise that needs to be mentioned here that is in the larger book is that humans have two main instinctive strategies. The first is the blind "red of tooth and claw" competition that is most common in nature. The second is the instinct for cooperation indicated by the rapid growth in brain size shown in early fossils after we "left the trees". You can easily find both of these instincts in yourself. If we widely choose to use blind competition, it will endanger civilization and will not be able to advance past a feudalism. If we mostly use cooperation, we will be able to sustain a technological civilization where we will be able to develop into far more than we are now. 

Since this is long, I offer something of a spoiler. part of the reason for this story was to figure out how to solve the current problem of population decline in developed nations. It turned out that the study showed some other modern problems and offers many useful solutions to them, hopefully including one useful solution for population decline.

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Philosophy To A Biologist

About Philosophy

Why Is Philosophy No Longer Taught?

Basic Philosophy - Logic, Reason and Rhetoric

Philosophical Principles

Mental Models

About Philosophical Maxims

Philosophy As An Environmental Release of Instincts

How to Teach Philosophy Using Maxims


Maxims For Grammar School Children

Maxims For Middle Schoolers

The Maxims of Delphi

Maxims From Biology

The Value of Philosophy

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The Seduction of Charisma